Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm going, going, to, to, Italy, Italy...

RE: the title -of course, those of you familiar with Biggie Smalls know the song "Going Back to Cali"...and if you dont then here it is: http://www.blogger.com/blog-this.g?n=Biggie%20Smalls%20-%20Going%20Back%20To%20Cali&source=youtube&b=&eurl=http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/m_P-sP698sA/hqdefault.jpg

So I went to visit cousin Nono in Milan, Italy aaaaand AMAZING is pretty much the best word to describe my stay there. Man, Italy is bomb, I did not want to come back...the following are merely glimpses of my trip:

For more pictures check out my photobucket...you know the drill.
